WHHS Organizations Build Food Bags For Pyramid Schools

On December 18, 2023, students from several WHHS organizations (JROTC, Lady Cougars Basketball, Volleyball & Soccer, Football, Band, Cheer, & Leadership) helped build food bags for the schools in our pyramid. Coach Pritchett, Alumni Volunteers and LVT Rise helped deliver these bags to schools. Our students are so incredible and quick that from getting tables out to organizing food, building bags, picking up trash, empty recycle bins and get excess food back into the portable took one hour and five minutes. A record time to build 350 food bags. Thank you to all involved for making this happen.
Photos are available on December 18th post of the Cougar Pride Alliance Facebook group page. 
The group page is updated on a regular basis and the best way to discover what the CPA is doing and how you can help in our mission to improve the lives of both WHHS students, surrounding pyramid schools where students will be attending WHHS  and the surrounding community.

Our RISE Program (Special Ed) starts RISE and GRIND Service

Our RISE Program (Special Ed) has started RISE and GRIND, their coffee delivery service for the Faculty & Staff. This will teach the students how to make coffee and tea and also intake money. The funds from this project will take the students on much needed field trips. A generous donor of the Cougar Pride Alliance made this dream come true and our hope is that they can self sustain with the support of faculty and staff purchasing drinks.
A message from their teacher, Ms Haley: Good morning! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who ordered from us and made our first day of RISE and Grind a success! I wish you all could order and see the faces of our students beaming with excitement to get to have this opportunity.